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A smattering of journalism stories by Naomi Gingold

Hanging out at a hip hop show in Yangon


A smattering of stories (not in chronological order):


Executing This Hip Hop Star Could Be Myanmar’s Biggest Mistake | The Daily Beast

Native Americans Were Housed in Japanese Internment Camps I The World

In Search of an Owner... Our Reporter Tracks Down a Diver Nearly Devastated by the 2011 Tsunami | The World

SNAP Recipients Face Stark Choice When Buying Groceries During Pandemic | NPR

A Rockstar Dies in the Myanmar Jungle I Not the Cat/The World

At Cafe de Monk, Tsunami Survivors Can Get Coffee, Cake, and Someone to Listen to Their Woes | The World

One of America’s First Syrian Immigrants Helped Conquer the American West – with Camels | The World

People with 'Invisible Disabilities' Fight for Understanding | NPR

Some of Japan's 'Nuclear Refugees' Can Finally Go Home -- But They Don't Want to | The World


Burmese Hip Hop: Its Roots. Its Politics. | The Economist


Meet the Musicians Behind Japan's Vibrant Bluegrass Scene | NPR

If You Run out of Space for Farming, Look to the Tokyo Subway | The World


Utada Hikaru Upended the Japanese Music Scene Like No One Before -- Or Since | The World


How a Japanese American Burst Japan's Bubble on Racism | The World


Women Still Face a Tough Time in the Hallowed Halls of Japan's Prestigious Universities | The World


The Pain Epidemic and Opioids: Chronic Pain Patients Feel Stuck | NPR


Did the FBI Break Tor? | Slate


How to Do Business in a Former Military Dictatorship: Foreign Investors Look to Gain Foothold in Myanmar | NPR

Down To The Wires: Burma's Shaky Internet and the NSA Surveillance Scandal Have Something in Common | Slate


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