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Pain and Resilience: A New Feldenkrais ATM Series

Restorative Motion

Restorative Motion brings you Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes and private sessions online and in person

For more information:


Pain and Resilience: A New Feldenkrais ATM Series


Pain and Resilience: A New Feldenkrais ATM Series


Pain and Resilience - ATM Series on Zoom

Thursdays. June 8- July 13th, 2023. @ 5:00 PM PST/8:00 PM EST

* Classes will be recorded, so if you miss or can’t attend live you will get recordings to work with… and do again.

What's ATM class like? Using gentle movements and mind-body awareness, you will learn to feel your anatomy from the inside out. Develop new, more efficient, pain-free options for embodied presence and movement. And get more choice in how you want to be in the world.

This ATM series will give you tools to lower your own pain, discover and integrate better alignment/healthy  movement patterns, and build resilience, so you can bounce back more quickly, whatever comes your way.

Who? This series is especially tailored to people with daily pain and/or hypermobility/EDS but all are welcome~

-Curious but not sure if it’s right for you (or your clients)? Come check out a free sample class on June 1st! -

Use code ‘Early’ for $15 off, if you sign up by June 2nd

What do you need? A mat or blanket on the floor. If you are not comfortable on the floor, you can do class lying in bed (or sitting). A bath towel. Loose, comfortable clothing.

Note: If money is an obstacle, I have a ‘pay-what-feels-safe’ scale.Choose the amount that feels safe to you and send via Venmo. No approval needed/questions asked. I want you to be able to participate.

Venmo: Naomi-Gingold

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