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Walking with Ease and Agility

Restorative Motion

Restorative Motion brings you Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes and private sessions online and in person

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Walking with Ease and Agility


Walking with Ease and Agility


Our feet, knees, hip joints, spine (and even head!) work together symbiotically in order for us to walk and run. But over time, injuries, compensatory patterns arising from pain/injuries, and aspects of our history can lead to habits that get in the way of using ourselves to our full potential and without discomfort or pain.

Through this series, we will re-encounter and refine building blocks of walking and running, movements you learned as a baby, and how our spine, hip joints and down to our toes can work together to start building new, more resilient patterns of action… and more agile, pain-free walking/running.

Thursdays, April 27-May 25, 6:00-7:15 PM PST/9:00-10:15 pm EST

Join live on Zoom or do the recordings on your own time~

What do you need for class? Loose, comfortable clothing. A mat or blanket on the floor. A large towel. And a flat seat.

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